domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

First assignments for Architectural Expression

We began the course by drawing freehand sketches of objects and doing line exercises. Something queer, also, how the brain reacts when an image is upside down and how it processes it.

Here, more examples of line experimenting.

Freehand drawing of a stapler, to explore the inside of the object.

The second part of the assignment was to choose an interesting object and do a study; plan, elevation and section. I also included a few "perspective" drawings to show a general idea of the object. I chose to draw a light box from observation, with the light bulb inside, and develop it in AutoCad.

Plan, section and elevation of the light box done with AutoCad. Sections shown in white, projections shown in red.

Self portrait study. (Development)
My feelings towards horses is very strong and has always been, so why not draw myself with one? 
Done with ink and touches of feltips for the colored bits. 

The final result.

First contact with AutoCad and assignment number one.
Plan, section and elevation of a solid object (to scale)

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